Journey Inside The Cell in Chemistry | RNA Molecule | Everyday Big News

Journey Inside The Cell | RNA Molecule

Describing a Journey inside the cell

Francis Crick first proposed in 1957.  The chemicals called bases on the back of the DNA molecule are alphabetical characters or digital characters are written in the computer code

Animation demonstrates how this digital knowledge first and foremost guides the synthesis of proteins by separating the tightly bound DNA strands to prepare them for copying during this step

In this transcription process a single-stranded copy of the original instructions is produced by a protein complex called polymerase.

We see a duplicate of the messenger RNA molecule in polymerase when you place individual bases And added to which strand we now see the polymerase in action as it sprinkles the messenger RNA transcript next this RNA transcript approaches.

And moves through a molecular machine the nuclear pore complex is called an information processing mechanism that controls the flow of information into and out of the cell nucleus.

Now we see the messenger RNA's instructions for genetic assembly entering and reaching a two-part chemical plant called the protein synthesis site Ribosome as the messenger RNA transcript passes through the ribosome and the translation process begins during the mechanical assembly line translation.

Builds a complex sequence of amino acids to be transported by molecules from other parts of the journey inside the cell according to the transcription instructions for those amino acids.

The so-called RNAs transmit unique base sequences to specific amino acids. The amino acid sequence structure decides what sort of protein is generated

Once the chain design is done, it is transported to a barrel-shaped a machine which makes it fold in the exact shape needed to perform its function after the chain is folded into a protein and released into the outer cytoplasm to perform its function in the cell you are using (journey inside the cell).

Journey Inside The Cell in Chemistry | RNA Molecule | Everyday Big News Journey Inside The Cell in Chemistry | RNA Molecule | Everyday Big News Reviewed by Sikander Dhilloon on August 30, 2020 Rating: 5


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