Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra vs. S20 Ultra | Samsung Phone news

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra vs. S20 Ultra full camera showdown

Every august Samsung releases a galaxy note phone it usually takes the galaxy s from March and gives it a stylus a bigger screen a bigger battery and a bigger price tag that's not really the case this year though.

This is a Samsung galaxy note 20 ultra and this is a Samsung galaxy s20 ultra whereas in the past the note has been the phone with all of Samsung's cutting edge technology in this case the s20 ultra actually has the bigger battery the bigger price tag and both phones have the same 6.9 inch screen size this is really unusual for the note s dichotomy.

how do the cameras stack up let's find out these are two freakishly expensive Samsung  phones released about math five months apart from each other so as you may expect the cameras are actually pretty similar when you're talking about daytime photography portrait shots and ultra wide angle shots there isn't really that much of a difference.

So first check out these well-lit daytime shots now

Note 20 ultra vs s20 ultra

If you look really closely you may notice some slight differences in contrast or brightness but again these are very slight differences and they're nothing you wouldn't notice unless you had two pictures side by side the same can be said for ultra wide angle shots both in daytime and night time.

This makes sense because from the look of the specs it appears that Samsung has put the exact same ultra wide angle lens into both phones both have the same megapixel count and aperture so it's not a surprise that the performance is basically identical both phones worked similarly well when shooting portrait shots which replicate the depth of field effect.

Note 20 ultra vs s20 ultra

That you'll find in a DSLR camera but they both suffered from the same problem in some instances i would find that both phones would sometimes shoot portrait shots that looked super washed out it was strange because i encountered this equally frequently with both phones but just in different conditions so if you look at this photo of Arnold you'll see that the note 20 ultra-captured it way better than the s20 ultra but then with this photo of Rachel the note 20 ultra-just couldn't deal with the light but again this is the minority.

These are the exceptions you'll find that most of the time the s20 ultra and the note 20 ultra-shoot vibrant sharp portraits with about the same consistency so what is the difference between these two cameras night mode and zoom so if you take a look at the s20 ultra's hideous camera bump you'll see that it says it can zoom into 100 times whereas the note 20 ultra can only zoom 50 times on paper.

That sounds like a win for the s20 ultra but really i prefer the note 20 ultra because yes while you can only zoom 50 times what zoom there is clearer and sharper and really what do you need that 100 times in for honestly it's only once you start getting to 20 30 40 and 50 times zoom. 

That you start to begin to see the differences in quality so even at 10 time zoom which is quite a lot of zoom both phones perform pretty evenly well so take a look at these flowers zoomed in 10 times both phones lose a remarkably little amount of fidelity.

You'll see that both are super sharp and super vibrant for a standard shot let alone 10 times zoom it's really actually super insane but then writes it up to 20 times zoom and while the s20 ultra still performs exceptionally well you begin to see the note 20 ultra-shoot ahead so if you take a look at this statue shot by both phones at 20 times zoom at a glance the s20 ultra actually looks a little bit better looks a little bit sharper,

But if you look a little closer you'll see that this sharpness is actually due more to conspicuous digital processing and then look a little bit closer still and you'll see there's much more grain and fuzziness going on as opposed to the note 20 ultra which looks a lot more natural this difference becomes more stark the more you zoom in so if you take a look at this sign at 30 times magnification.

i'm going to stop here because i don't want to make it sound like i'm ragging on the s20 ultra because it's crazy that these phones can zoom in to 30 times magnification at all it's really impressive but to resume the note 20 is just sharper and much more clearer the s1 ultra looks super blurry in comparison,

Now let's zoom all the way in at 50 times magnification to Sydney tower,

Now on the s20 ultra you'll see that it looks blurry almost like it's out of focus when compared to the note 20 ultra which handles 50 times magnification super well so when we start talking about 40 and 50 times zoom we're really getting into territory where not many people are going to venture it's really only hobbyist photographers.

Who are going to need or be interested in zooming in that much and it really also gets difficult to do without a tripod which is why i prefer the note 20 ultra-zoom because it has exceptionally good 10 and 20 times zoom rather than the s20 ultra's ability to get up to 100 times zoom i really feel like

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra vs. S20 Ultra | Samsung Phone news Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra vs. S20 Ultra | Samsung Phone news Reviewed by Alina Umar (Article Writer) on September 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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