"Streatham attack" Man shot dead by police after stabbings in London | BBC English News | Everyday Big News

"Streatham attack" Man shot dead by police after stabbings in London

British police who shot did a terrorist in South London has confirmed that the man had only recently been released from jail after serving a sentence for terrorism-related offensives.
SureshAmmon was killed by police after stabbing two people with the latest his Simon Jones just moments after undercover officers have shot a convicted the terrorist who stabbed a man

And a woman on stratum high road another officer arrives on a motorbike as police attempt to clear the area.
The man on the ground appears to be wearing a suicide vest I hear free shop and I see him how he drops and he was a life get to three-minute on the floor but he had first,
This where police tell everybody we have to move back in case of the blast cell reinforcements arrived the area is flooded with police.
I saw the blood and Isaw the guy on the floor and I see other people running and then I see the police coming straight up the hill passers-by come to the aid of those injured the device turns out to be a fake,
But the mystery of why the police were so quickly on the scene is revealed armed officers who were part of the proactive counterterrorism surveillance operation and were following the suspect on foot were in immediate attendance,
And shot a male suspect dead at the scene the suspect had been recently released from prison where he had been serving as the sentence for Islamist related terrorism offenses,
And this is the man SudeshArmond he only got out of jail just days ago the 20-year-old had served half his sentence of three years and four months for possessing documents containing terrorist information in a notebook.

He wrote a life goal was to die a martyr there are clear parallels with the fishmongers Hall attack on London Bridge in November.

The attacker is man con pursued by a man with a fire extinguisher after he'd killed two people con 2 had been released halfway through his sentence back then the government said it would force dangerous terrorists to serve their whole jail terms,
And now it says it will go further with new initiatives those measures were built upon the actions that we've already put in place very swiftly in terms of investing in counter-terror Elysee overhaul in the licensing conditions,
And the licensing regime around counterterrorism offenders and ended the early release we need legislation to that end in the early release of counterterrorism offenders,
Its right that these individuals are kept behind bars but this latest incident raises new questions not only about the length of jail terms,
But also about the effectiveness of police surveillance how a man considered so dangerously that he was being followed was able to carry out a terror attack in broad daylight.

Reporter Simon Jones just a short while ago the mayor of London Sadiq Khan has been speaking and says that he's angry that the government has failed to change anti-terror laws the question that I'm asking is why is it that there was a need for this man to be under the close supervision he was with an armed team.
if the authorities knew he was a danger, why didn't the judge, have the tools they his or her disposal to give this person a sentence commensurate with what he was accused of doing.
And why didn't the Probation Service the Prison Service properly punish and reform him but also why was he allowed to be released.
If the authorities knew who's going to be a danger and here's my other the concern we know there are more than 200 convicted terrorists in prison.
We also know they're roughly speaking 70 plus who has been released on to our streets what reassurance can I receive from the government that these people are properly being punished and reformed those in prison not released until they're no longer a danger to the public,
But also, those that are out I want to be reassured that the authorities have the resources and support they need to make sure we're being kept safe then if somebody's breaching their license if somebody is a danger to the public they should be back in prison so we can all be safe Mayor of London city car.

"Streatham attack" Man shot dead by police after stabbings in London | BBC English News | Everyday Big News "Streatham attack" Man shot dead by police after stabbings in London | BBC English News | Everyday Big News Reviewed by Sikander Dhilloon on February 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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