NLF Data in the Game | Technology

The Data Game in the NFL | Technology News

The National Football League is celebrating its centenary this year 100 years of NFL busy reflecting on the history of the sport,
But it's also looking to the future through a partnership where the technology giant Microsoft so alongside the speed showmanship violence,

And the beauty of the game the sport is being transformed by technology Microsoft has created apurpose-built tablet to aid players and coaches with instant tactical information,
Which is a game that is essentially like chess but with real people, minor adjustments can be the difference between winning?
And losing these tablets are standardized for all 32 teams in the NFL each team has 25 of the 13 on the sidelines and 12 in the coaches booth,
And as you can see you can check out the same play-by-play at different angles around the pitch but also the screen is a lot brighter,
And its a bit more rugged just in case tensions run high and the coaches decide to chuck it down onto the page with more information,
And data available to players immediately on the sidelines how does it affect the game the tempo is a lot faster you know the offense is changing constantly the defense is doing the same thing.

Because they have the same tablets on their sideline and so the speed of the game and really the tempo of the chess match just moves much quicker right up.
Here we're in the coaches’ booth and before what they used to do is get a bird's-eye view of things and write it all down on paper.
And then take that paper down to the dressing room to be able to communicate with the team,
But from up here, they can make the changes on the tablet at halftime they'll run down and leave the tablet here pick one up in the dressing room go to their profile,
And show the team's the notes that they've made, And the NFL believe this is really helping teams when you can make an adjustment in real-time then it becomes it becomes the player has to outperform that other player,
Because now they pretty much know what each player wants to do on both sides of the ball so the individual player's skill really has to become involved technology never stands still much like the march of sport Microsoft have added something to the game it's subjective whether improves it or not,
But one thing is certain technologies drive to improve athlete performance will continue to develop there's so much technology that's being introduced now to our wearable’s so in our uniform, GPS trackers monitors heart rate monitors things like that a lot of stuff for player safety.
There's the technology that's going into helmets to track concussions and see if there's anything going on with the brain activity so I think in the next five to ten years the game could be completely different in uniforms,
And in the actual hard Hardware that we wear is changing every year so I would expect a lot of technology to be integrated into more of what we wear on the field and what we play.
NLF Data in the Game | Technology NLF Data in the Game | Technology Reviewed by Sikander Dhilloon on February 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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